Corporal cane punishment applied on the buttocks, palms, or soles of the feet. It has been a common punishment throughout Europe and North America for centuries, but is now banned in most countries.
Rod - a long stick, usually made of bamboo, mallaki (rattan), or something similar, a walking stick, support for plants, or building materials for furniture production. rattan canes are used to spank the buttocks or the palms of the hands solely as a form of corporal punishment.
Flogging was used as a form of criminal punishment for teenagers, but was also known as a method of discipline and education in schools. The use of the rod was a common practice in English schools described in the 19th and 20th centuries, with varying frequency of use and strength of flogging determined by the traditions of each school. Criminal punishment - flogging, performed with a long rattan cane, was a feature of some colonial court systems.
Now spanking is a technique of coordinated striking (usually on the buttocks) with a rod to achieve mutual erotic pleasure.
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